Putting the Finishing Touches on Your Homemade Balsa Crankbait
Finishing your homemade balsa crankbait.
You’ve carved it, sanded it and shaped it. Now you need to seal it, foil it, install the diving lip and a slew of other things in order to take your bait from where it’s at, to a finished, working crankbait that you can catch fish on.
So where do you start? What do you do now to take this miniature work of art from something half finished, to a finished, fine-tuned crankbait that you can be proud to show people and actually catch fish on?
Read on and we’ll share tips with you on how to seal the wood body of the lure, foil it, give it a face, create and install the diving lip, painting it, clear coating it and then testing it in the lake or river near you.
As in the first post on this topic, we’re featuring another great video by lure maker Paul Adams. Paul goes into great depth to show us each and every step of the process, as well as providing us with a complete list of tools and materials needed to make it all happen.

Wood Crankbait Bodies by Pablo Canterna
Pictured here is a batch of wooden crankbait bodies made by lure maker Pablo Canterna, of Argentina. Pablo also makes his wooden crankbaits by hand.
Further below in this post we’ll show you a great photo of these baits after they were finished!
But for now, let’s get back to the topic at hand… finishing your homemade balsa crankbait!
So here are a few of the items you’ll need in order to finish your bait:
- Envirotex – a two-part epoxy resin
- Self-adhesive aluminum foil
- Aluminum reinforcing mesh (this is normally used for car body repairs!)
- a 2 mil polycarbonate sheet to make the diving lip
- And a few other tools that will be named specifically in the actual video

Finished Wood Crankbaits by Pablo Canterna
Paul will demonstrate in the video how to apply the clear coat (envirotex) and then add foil to the crankbait body to give it a natural “shimmer” or shine before painting the bait. He even gives away a secret tip for giving the foil a “scaly” look, using the mesh mentioned in the list above.
Oh, and here are some finished crankbaits made from the wood bodies pictured above, by Pablo Canterna. Quite a difference from the blank wooden bodies above, isn’t there?
So be sure to give the video a watch, take lots of notes, and get that new balsa crankbait finished up so you catch some nice fish on it 🙂
As always, thanks for stopping by. We hope you enjoyed the info and the video about finishing your homemade balsa crankbait. And be sure to stop back again soon for more great lure-making info.
You can visit Paul’s lure making blog directly by clicking here.
Here are links to some of the items used in making your own balsa crankbaits:
Balsa Crankbait Bodies In case you don’t want to carve your own
Stainless Steel Wire
Bobbin to hold your wrapping thread
Lure Painting Supplies
Molded 3D Lure Eyes
Nylon Wrapping Thread
Treble Hooks
Stainless Steel Split Rings
Your stuff looks great. Maybe you could help me. I am new at lure making and having some problems with finishing my lures. I have made some lures that I am fairly proud of only to have the paint job crack off after a day or so of fishing. I have looked online and that has only confused me more. I will list what I am currently doing and maybe you could suggest the most simple but effective way to finish my lures. Thanks in advance for any help you might provide.
1. Using basswood I shape my lure and put B-I-N shellac primer on it.
2. Then using a system of weights with rubber bands I test how I will try to weight the lure.
3. When I get what I like I drill holes and insert the weights and fill with 5 min. epoxy
4. I then test in a pool to see hoe the lure swims. I have noticed during this process that sometimes the primer will fade and chip?
5. If I actually get something I like I airbrush with Createx on top of B-IN primer
6. I finish with several thick coats of Enviro Tex Lite
Jim, your best bet would be to join http://www.tackleunderground.com and read through the forums there to learn everything you need to know about coating and finishing the lures you make.
There are over 20,000 members and more knowledge then you can imagine in the forum threads. Hope this helps!
I thank you for putting pictures of my work on this page, and I am proud that my lures appear next to the Master Paul Adams.
Greetings from Argentina.
You’re very welcome, Pablo! Your work is excellent, too 🙂